Madison Ave and the Roman Empire

It is alleged that because millions participate in it, certain reproduction processes are necessary that inevitably require identical needs in innumerable places to be satisfied with identical goods.

-Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer (1944)

This follows the same model that was ushered in with Roman expansion of Christianity. Local geo-historically founded identity, religious and cultural practices, resulted in being swept away. Madison Ave and the Romans, have much in common.

- John Joseph Kehoe (2014)

Sunday, 23 March 2014




the tao of transmigration 


"....translingual migration points out that ‘individualism’ once ”introduced into China at the turn of the century…soon grew to be a chief signpost on the discursive terrain of the self in modern China”(Barlow, 91). 

By way of viewing subjectivity as a metonym in the rubric of modernity we can understand how May Fourth scholars engaged modernity.  

ultimately subjectivity came to be viewed as an absolute totality, to be derived from western metaphysics and literature, and applied in attack on tradition as writers vied for the control to craft China’s engagement with modernity. In whatever form the discourse took it was always one, which was isolated from the platitudes of day-to-day life. "- China's complex Negotiation with Modernity, John Joseph Kehoe, MA  

Narcissism is a term that originated with modern humanity who fell for a gimmick created for huge revenue accumulation, during advanced capitalism’s embrace of a DARPA invention coined as ‘the internet’.
This, the internet, along with handheld photo-digital devices, provided for distractions from real important issues, news, and personal development, while also provided endlessly observing of their own images reflected on a screen.



John Joseph Kehoe, MA (april 2014, brooklyn)



This blog is the day to day.


Meshing out a presence in the absence of what we lost, through modernity.

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